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Assessing Risk

Our methods enable us to identify more granular risks impacting your organization while still maintaining a hyper-efficient engagement that doesn’t take months to complete. Instead of just giving you a risk report and wishing you luck, we provide continuous value after the risk assessment to ensure that you have all the tools you need to understand and address the unique risks impacting your organization specifically.

Assessment Model

Assessment Model

Regulations & Frameworks:

  • CIS
  • CMMC
  • SOC1 & SOC2 Readiness
Integrated Risk Management Solutions

Assessment Model

Assess - Remediate - Managed

At RSI, compliance and risk assessments are the foundation of our integrated risk management solutions. By following the Assess, Remediate and Maintain process, we fundamentally disrupt how your organization identifies risk.

Assessment Model

Integrated Risk Management

RSI Executive Workshop

As with any critical process, our first step is understanding your situation, company, people, goals, objectives, and priorities. To do this, we host an Executive Workshop where your leadership team and/or risk “champions” will meet one of our expert consultants. Making sure our team understands your business goals and corporate mission is imperative to our ability to align a risk assessment catered specifically to your organization.

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RSI Risk Assessment

Using our proprietary platform, the RSI team will conduct interviews with various stakeholders throughout different departments and separate locations (if applicable). During these interviews, our assessor will ask a series of questions and document the information that is provided. If the interviewee attests that the organization is in compliance with any of the questions asked, we will ask for proof of evidence in order to confirm. All responses and evidence will be retained in the SaaS platform, giving you immediate access to evidence and reporting.

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Scanning & Discovery

Our cyber risk assessment process can also include a series of vulnerability scans. These scans can identify risks on a granular level and provide us with the necessary information to develop your cybersecurity strategy including vulnerabilities, misconfiguration of servers, and vulnerable sensitive data you may not even know existed.

Assessment Model

Assessment Model

Assessment Model

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Maturity Model

A baseline is established of where your organization stands with regard to cybersecurity today. This allows the RSI team to create a security strategy leveraging current investments in controls and technologies to best optimize the balance of costs and risks.

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Findings & Recommendations

As part of the RSI Risk Assessment model, you will be provided a powerful risk report that ranks the identified risks by criticality and even an outline of remediation best practices. However, we don’t stop there: every risk assessment comes with a year’s subscription to the assessment client platform so that you can track all risk findings, document remediation efforts, manage your third party vendors, download our industry leading policies and procedures, and much more.

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Security Strategy

A cyber risk assessment has no value unless it gives you actionable steps to take to remediate issues. RSI can provide you a powerful framework of controls that you can begin implementing within your organization immediately. Need assistance? Our team of virtual CISO’s can help you throughout your entire security and compliance journey, from being your outsourced CISO to assisting you with policies, standards, controls and beyond.

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RSI's Difference

RSI creates Radical Solutions to pressing problems with Disruptive Technologies and Disruptive Processes. For many of our clients, we are a game changer because our solutions can transform people and culture.