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Types of Penetration Testing

  • Black Box and White Box testing (Internal and External)
  • Vulnerability Scans using OSINT
  • Continuous & One-time Tests
  • Manual & Automated Tests
  • Compliance Tests

What We Test

  • Networks
  • Websites
  • Web Applications
  • Wireless networks
  • Cloud infrastructure
  • Operating systems
  • Databases

Penetration Testing

RSI's Penetration Test Methodology

  • RSI utilizes OWASP Top 10, OWASP API Top 10, WASC Threat Classification, ISO 27001, PCI DSS, SANS Top 25, NIST 800-53, DISA STIGS, and ASVS 4.0 for compliance testing.
  • Examine internet-facing systems for common vulnerabilities that could compromise confidentiality, integrity, or availability.
  • Safeguard the stability of systems under test.
  • Prove exploitability by pursuing vulnerabilities to the point of compromise.
  • Discover all Internet-facing assets as potential entry-points into your network.
  • Identify additional attack surfaces exposed by cloud and federated services.
  • Identify known vulnerabilities on Internet-facing systems and web applications.
  • Identify confidential data exposure on publicly available resources.
  • Identify less severe vulnerabilities that can be used together for unauthorized access to sensitive data.
  • Verify findings using manual penetration testing techniques, removing false positives.
  • Remediation as a service (detailed steps for identifying vulnerabilities, specific links, steps and files for issue resolution, guidance on complex design issues requiring special configurations)

Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing

Comprehensive Deliverables

  • LAN Vulnerability Scan (Windows, Mac, Printers, Routers, etc.)
  • Active Directory password enumeration/brute force assessment
  • Vulnerability Scanning – Risk-Based Assessment of device vulnerabilities and real-time Asset Risk tracking
  • Remediation Reporting – RSI provides OWASP Top 10 Report (specific to the test used) with detailed guidance on how to remediate verified vulnerabilities with specific instructions. This report also includes a checklist for identified issues and a review of regulatory compliance needs, if required.
  • Network Mapping – Automated mapping of network devices, connections, and specifics.
  • Network Monitoring – Monitoring of devices and computers during the test
  • Network Configuration Monitoring – Audit of device configuration changes
  • Manual & Automated Testing – RSI’s experienced engineers use a variety of tools to enhance automated testing and demonstrate potential threats.
  • Active Remediation Approach – RSI helps remediate critical issues with skilled expertise as issues appear.

RSI's Pen Test In Review

We understand navigating the details of pen testing can be confusing, so let's briefly review.
  • Our pen test are designed to identify and address vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure.
  • Certified experts use advanced tools and methodologies to simulate real-world attacks.
  • Detailed reports with specific remediation guidance.
  • Tests to ensure compliance with regulatory standards
  • Security posture enhancement
  • Protection against the latest cyber threats.
  • Renaissance Systems, Inc. offers comprehensive penetration testing services which are designed to fit every business’s needs.

Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing

Persistence & Vigilance

Continuous penetration testing and vulnerability scanning identify deficiencies that periodic assessments might miss, ensuring an organization’s security posture is always up-to-date against the latest threats.

RSI's Penetration Test Can:

  • Detect new security threats as they appear to quickly mitigate risks before any damage can be cause.
  • Ensure compliance with regulations and cyber insurance policies through regular scans and penetration tests.
  • Proactively identify and address potential vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

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    See how Penetration Testing can improve your security.